reclaimed {art}
when the green and the breathing meet us
zine / watercolour / poetry & prose /
reclaimed is a series of watercolour paintings exploring the perceived boundary between the natural and the man-made. In modern society, there is a popular view of a separation between the untouched wilds and the civilized, developed society; sometimes, the views goes so far as to posit that everything man does is harmful to the natural ecosystems.
Yet, humanity and Earth is inextricably linked. Perhaps the green world is not as fragile and unforgiving as we believe it to be. Perhaps the very belief that a boundary exists is a.
The series of paintings depicts abandoned, delipidated, and sometimes forgotten built structures being reclaimed by our green neighbours. What was deemed as lifeless and useless for society is instead teeming with life and purpose by another definition. The clear boundary that once existed between the wild and the built is blurred, gently filled, and quietly inhabited.
Could this space be something we design for, not against?
Words were added at a later date to accompany the pieces in a printed format.